L'openData au CivicTechFest de Taiwan

Article synthèse sur les débats qui comprend un paragraphe Opendata et ses enjeux, signé Sarah Moulton

Don’t Open Data Just Because it’s There

The thrill of publishing data that had previously been long hidden away in the form of a dusty handwritten ledger, or locked in a non-machine readable PDF, has resulted in a corresponding flood of data now available on just about any subject you can imagine. However, in our rush to make information more accessible, we may actually be making it harder to find what we need. Often the datasets considered most useful for civic engagement get lost among those that may not have much (if any) demand. Michael Cañares of the World Wide Web Foundation in Indonesia recommends a more targeted approach:

Ask civil society organizations what data they want.
Request the government to open those datasets.
Train organizations to use the data, and then engage with them to learn how they use it in order to measure its long term impact.

Le lien de l’article https://www.nditech.org/civictechfest-retrospective

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