Data ethics canvas


je suis tombé sur ce nouvel outil développé par l’Open Data Institute qui peut être intéressant pour des ateliers :

Data ethics is a rapidly emerging area. Increasingly, those collecting, sharing and working with data are exploring the ethics of their practices and, in some cases, being forced to confront those ethics in the face of public criticism.

Codes of data ethics are being developed across sectors, ethics training is becoming more common and debates are accelerating on issues like the monetisation of personal data, bias in data sources and algorithms, and the consequences of under-representation in data.

The Data Ethics Canvas is designed to help identify potential ethical issues associated with a data project or activity. It promotes understanding and debate around the foundation, intention and potential impact of any piece of work, and helps identify the steps needed to act ethically.

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Intéressé par le sujet, notamment dans la perspective d’un partage avec des acteurs du monde associatif.

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